Let's take a break from talking about space ships and artifacts, and let's talk about some of the other insane things us Burdale Folk are surrounded by. The Wildwood Man for example. We have a fuckin sasquatch in Hale Forest Park. Or a wild man. I mean, we technically have a whole tribe of wild people in the forest, but The Wildwood Man is just different.... and he's been spotted for over 200 years. Are people seeing things? Swamp gas? Who knows. Perhaps some are mistaking members of The Hale Tribe for The Wildwood Man, but not all. The descriptions are too specific, and according to Silas Hale, the tribe worships The Wildwood Man.
The Light Beam Incident - a seismic event that took place in Hale Forest Park on October 21, 1914, exactly 50 years after The Conjure Quake Event. Coincidence? No chance. It's well documented that at roughly 1:15 am, Burdaliens emerged from their homes after the earth began to vibrate. Outside, they witnessed a massive, singular beam of light emerging from the top of the trees within Hale Forest Park. The light faded away in a matter of seconds. An official investigation was conducted, but supposedly no explanation was found. I don't believe that for a second. They spent literal months in the woods conducting their investigation/experiments - the park was closed to the public for over a year. And then there's the Timothy Brown disappearance... the Park Ranger who was in Ranger Station 2 that night - he was never seen again after the incident, so they named the ranger station after him. That's it? They couldn't find him so they just named the station after him and that's it? Something doesn't add up.
Before The Light Beam Incident, pretty much everyone believed the official story of what happened during The Conjure Quake Event. But after The Light Beam Incident, a majority of Burdale residents began to believe the two events were connected, and that something extraterrestrial happened not only in the forest in 1914, but on that day at Witch's Landing in 1864 as well. FINALLY! People are opening their eyes to the truth. That didn't stop town officials from spreading their "The Light Shouldn't Fright" propaganda campaign. Luckily, nobody really bought it.
Speaking with my contacts in Ängsstad, I've come to the conclusion that The Light Beam Incident was the result of a second alien ship arriving to recover the original alien ship and body from Ängsstad in the timeline where the ship went down in Sweden. It's still hard to explain and understand why events happening in other timelines are affecting the parallel towns in this timeline, but it must have something to do with the interdimensional travel technology of the space craft.
My main contact in Sweden, who goes by the alias Anders, believes the ship in Ängsstad was stored in a facility within their forest, in a very similar location to where The Timothy Brown Ranger Station would be if we were in Burdale. I believe Ängsstad's facility to be an alternate facility to ours and Swansong's in our other two timelines. Our ship and alien body must be housed in the star emblem facility on Specter Ridge. My contact in Swansong believes theirs are located in a secret chamber underneath Wendego Wonderpark, their amusement park located on the boundary of Blackwood Forest.