What the hell is going on in Burdale???
Listen up, folks! I'm Whispers and I'm here to tell you the wild truth about Burdale - the truth that the powers that be don't want you to know. They're hiding some crazy shit. I've spent literal YEARS digging through archives and talking to locals - I even took a job at the Burdale Historical Association, and let me tell you, there's some intense shit going on in this town. The "mine collapse" that created the explosion on top of Witch's Landing? An earthquake accompanied by a giant beam of light shooting out of Hale Forest Park and into the night sky fifty years to the day from the mine collapse? And that shit barely scratches the surface. What the fuck is in that star-emblem facility on top of Specter Ridge? And let's not pretend we haven't all seen Mr. Trenchcoat out of the corner of our eye at least once in the middle of the night on Birdview Street or in Spellbind Park. But whatever, don't just take my word for it, stick around here and I'll show you the truth about Burdale.​​


Here is photo evidence of this Burdale conspiracy!!!
Will include more photos as they're discovered...